First Baptist Church

53 East Main Street
Peru, Indiana

~ Small Groups (all ages) – 9:30 am ~
~ Worship Service and Children’s Church – 10:30 am ~
~ Youth Group – 5:30 pm ~

~ Thursday Fellowship Meal – 6:00 pm ~
~ Thursday Bible Study – 7:00 pm ~


Mondays & Tuesdays from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm


* CHANGE IN OFFICE HOURS: The front office will be open only on Monday and Tuesday from 9:00 am – 2:30 pm this week.

* POSITION OPENING: FBC has an opening for a financial secretary, as we are losing Sarah Janssen very soon. Before the position is filled outside the congregation, leadership is asking if anyone within the church is interested. Please see Brent Touloukian to respond.

* THURSDAY FELLOWSHIP DINNERS: Please don’t forget to sign up in advance if you plan to attend the Thursday evening meals. It is very difficult to plan the meals without an accurate count. If you forget to sign up in the Welcome Center on Sunday, contact Sarah in the Office (by Weds) to have your name added.

* FBC NURSERY MINISTRY: We are still hoping for volunteers in the Nursery. One adult and one teen is needed each week in addition to the paid Nursery Staff member. To help with this vital ministry during the worship services, please sign up on the schedule in the Welcome Center. May God bless all those willing to serve in this way!

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